Join us for a panel of experts from POANSW who will take you into an in-depth look into how 2020 is shaping up to affect property investors as three crucial pieces of legislation is reformed and come into effect in 2020 affecting landlords, tenants and property managers.
Extensive changes and challenges are now here in all aspects of the property market. Everything from valuations, lending, tenancy management and insurance is never going to look the same for the future.
You MUST know some of the following:
Influences impacting the market in the next 12 months / forecast / where is the market heading
The influences dragging the market down and pushing the market forward through revised valuations
Resident and commercial tenancy management and negotiating win/win outcomes to sustain rental income
Property and landlord insurance changes, what has changed, what is about to, and understanding risk
Where: Zoom webinar – Join our expert panel followed by a Q&A with the audience
When: Wednesday 24 June 2020
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Tickets: $20 (members) | $35 (non-members)
Join our panel of experts
John Gilmovich – Tenancy update + Market (vacancies)
James Ruben – Valuations & Market Changes
Peter Dormia – Boarding House Market Update
Special Guests
Kian – RSM Australia – Federal + State Govt Grants + Business Support
Denis Hall – Madison Marcus – Commercial Lease Negotiations
Kris Mudd – Eastern Prudential Insurance Group- Insurance and Risk
Attendees will have some Q+A Time. You will be able to ask questions of all the experts at the end of the webinar.
The webinar is strictly limited to 100 attendees only.
Registration and payment open now.
POANSW is a not for profit that does not sell any products
Attendees will have some Q+A time = ask questions of all the experts at the end of the webinar.
The webinar is strictly limited to 100 attendees only. Registration and payment open now.